Zack Scholl

A sample sequencer for norns

 / #Music #Portfolio #Norns 

Drum sequencing via the monome grid.

this script is born out an exploration of sampler sequencers. i drew inspiration from the op-z and model:samples (though i don’t own these i was inspired by how i think they are supposed to work). i had five goals making this sample sequencer:

  1. kolor will work as a standalone script and import as a library into most non-grid norns script, meaning you can use kolor from within another script (if you have a grid). i’ve made a lot of scripts and i want to plug in a grid and use it immediately as a “groove box” in addition to the original host script. to meet this goal, the norns screen actually doesn’t provide any information for kolor (except for providing the save/load screen in the parameters). currently you can get this branch of oooooo to use with kolor. i plan to add to other scripts as well
  2. step-specific parameter locks with lots of mods - volume, pitch, filters, sample positions, probability, etc. each mod has its own lfo. and an lfo for the lfo’s, because why not.
  3. easy pattern chaining and probabilistic chaining for automatically adding variation (markov chaining).
  4. as little menu-diving as possible, with very few “hold” buttons or “mode” screens. (have to do my best given 128 white lights…)
  5. stereo samples! because uncorrelated noise in both ears sounds awesome.

at the end i had to make compromises to reach these goals. the compromises mean that there is a list of things that kolor does not do (…yet, but maybe not at all):

  1. all the steps in one track must have the same sound. (this is not a technical limitation, but a menu-diving limitation as it would be hard to determine which step has which sound).
  2. mod parameters are limited to 4-bit resolution, because there are only 15 keys devoted to the selection scale. however, if you use a lfo the values will oscillate with supercollider’s bit-depth (32-bit resolution i believe). there may be ways of getting around the 4-bit with some menu diving or more button pushing.



please see


get from maiden or from the latest norns image just do
