itty bitty midi a simple circuit that takes either a MIDI din input or a MIDI trs type-a input, and converts it to a logic-level serial bit stream. the resulting bit stream can be used by *core devices (like the pikocore) to listen to MIDI signals directly through the clock inputs.
there are two versions of this product, select the one that suits you: the active version utilizes a battery-powered circuit with the 6n138 optocoupler to effectively isolate the downstream and upstream devices. the passive version does not use isolation and has no battery.
the itty bitty midi is open-source.
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here is a little demo of me synchronizing the output of the tb03 with the pikocore using the midi out from the tb03 into the itty bitty midi, into the clock input of the pikocore.
it is easy and encouraged to DIY the itty bitty midi. both the passive and active versions are easy to make with throughhole components, but the passive one is by far the easiest if you have a few capactiors and a DIN plug.
active version schematic
passive version schematic
getting started
the usage of itty bitty midi is simple enough: connect your midi device “midi out” with midi din cable (5-pin) or a midi trs type a cable to the itty bitty midi.
then connect a stereo cable from the output of the itty bitty midi (the headphone jack facing away from the 5-pin din jack) to the clock input of a pikocore or zeptocore.
once connected, the device will listen to incoming midi. in the case of the pikocore, it will listen to midi start/stop/continue commands to start & stop on beat. the pikocore also listens to the midi timing commands and automically synchronizes. for more information, see the pikocore midi help.